I Have Worked With

Claire Young was born in Johannesburg and brought up in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, where she lives today. She is a proud Patron of Yorkshire. Made famous by her role as the highly driven runner up of series four of ‘The Apprentice’, reaching the final watched by over 11 million viewers. Lord Sugar dubbed her a 'Rottweiler' for her tenacious approach and mind-set of never giving up!
Claire climbed the FMCG career ladder starting out in roles at Colgate Palmolive, L’Oréal and Superdrug. Today she runs her own business, ‘School Speakers’ and has co-founded ‘Girls Out Loud’ a social enterprise working with teenage girls 11 to 18 years old. She works within the media as a journalist / radio presenter in addition to working with the government on projects helping young people onto the career ladder and more women into business.
She studied Equine Science at the University of Bristol and remains a keen rider today with her sports horse Briar.
Claire had daughter Eva in 2012.
Age | 36 years old
Location | Born in Johannesburg, brought up in Wakefield West Yorkshire, now split my time between London and Yorkshire
Employment history | Sales (Colgate Palmolive), Marketing (L'Oreal), Retail Buying (Superdrug, AS Watson Group), Apprentice Finalist 2008, business owner www.schoolspeakers.co.uk, mentor, consultant, speaker
Education | Bristol University BSc
Business | www.schoolspeakers.co.uk; www.girlsoutloud.org.uk;
Likes | Horse riding, she owns an Irish Sports horse, cinema, reading, travelling, chocolate!
Dislikes | Laziness, people who play it safe, those who are flakey and faff!
Friends would describe me as | Driven, Resilient, Straight Talking,Caring, Loyal, Talkative, Extrovert
Weaknesses | Impatient, Headstrong
Role Model Oprah Winfrey, JK Rowling, Her parents